JANUARY 2022 - Karlee was invited to join the Global Women’s Film Heritage Symposium, a collective of international filmmakers, cinema historians, and archivists in effort to make women and their films more visible around the world. This year’s events, running January 10th-14th, were hosted by Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh and supported by the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
As part of a series of lectures under the theme “Power and Politics”, Karlee highlighted Brazilian women filmmakers in cinema history and examined how policies can help propel gender parity in the industry by increasing women’s access to resources and funding.
Keynote speakers included: June Givanni (Pan African Cinema Archive), Iris Elezi (The Albanian Cinema Project), Nina Tedesco (Universidade Salgado de Oliveira) and Ana Camila Esteves (Mostra de Cinemas Africanos/Brazil African Film Festival. Organized by: Carmen Thompson (Indigenomics Institute), Lizelle Bisschoff (University of Glasgow), Ana Grgić (Monash University Malaysia), and Stefanie Van de Peer (Queen Margaret University). For more information: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/global-womens-film-heritage-networking-symposium-tickets-214627234837